The Glorious Mysteries


The Resurrection

. . . Jesus, who arose from the dead on the third day, fulfilling the prophets as

      He'd promised He would.  Holy Mary, . . .

. . . Jesus, who in His risen Glory stayed here below another forty days to walk

      and talk and eat with His disciples.  Holy Mary, . . .


The Ascension

. . . Jesus, our Redeemer whose disciples saw Him taken up in a cloud to the glory

      of heaven.  Holy Mary, . . .

. . . Jesus, our Lord who completed our redemption by presenting Himself to the

      Father in heaven. Holy Mary, . . .


The Descent of the Holy Spirit

. . . Jesus, who sent the Holy Spirit to strengthen us with the gifts of wisdom,

      understanding, counsel, and fortitude.  Holy Mary, . . .

. . . Jesus, who sent the Holy Spirit to sanctify us with the gifts of knowledge, piety,

      and fear of the Lord.  Holy Mary, . . .


The Assumption

. . . Jesus, who assumed you into heaven to be there a model and beacon of hope

     for us remaining here below.  Holy Mary, . . .

. . . Jesus, who assumed you into heaven to perpetually intercede for us with

      Himself thy son.  Holy Mary, . . . 


The Coronation

. . . Jesus, who crowned thee queen of heaven to complete thy victory over Satan.

      Holy Mary, . . .

. . . Jesus, who crowned thee queen of heaven to reign above the saints and angels

      as mediatrix of all graces.  Holy Mary, . . .


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